
子ども/大人美術教室☆here☆主宰 since1998

子ども/大人美術教室 ☆here☆(nowhere、尼崎市)

❖English translation of last week's "today note"

We went to Sosei High School to take part in the summer seminar.

There were 300 classes in the seminar.

We chose the special-effects movie class and LEGO blocks class.

We joined the movie class first, and then played LEGOs.

We made some buildings, houses, and stores.

The object of the LEGO blocks class is increasing communication with participant.

After lunch, we wanted to see the progress of the move class.

The monster, Gasakingu has just come to the classroom.

Now the movie starts filming.

Gasakingu shouted .(Actually the movie is silent)

One day in midsummer.

by 花由 hanayui